Did you know?

  • The first venue for the club was the "Hole In The Wall" pub, St Martin's Street. It started in the autumn of 1962.
  • It was the first of 7 venues to date: "Hole in the Wall", "New Inn", "Wheatsheaf", "Fountain", "Gribble", "4 Chesnuts", "Chichester Inn"
  • The club, whilst not the oldest in the UK (being the third oldest in the UK), has met many more times than any other as it has never closed for a summer break.
  • During the Covid crisis the club was forced to close but re-opened a week later on its Members only Facebook page. For 75 weeks 40+ members contributed solo songs and group collaborations each Monday. (There was even a raffle with prizes!) Thus our club's continuity was maintained even through a pandemic.